Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points can be used in a wide range of common conditions that involve chronic pain, including sciatica, plantar fasciitis, low back pain, trigger finger and frozen shoulder, to name a few. By learning what trigger points are, their locations and the benefits massage therapy can provide, you’re giving yourself one more tool to use with clients who come to you in pain.
Overview of the course:
Join us for this hands-on day where by the end of the day you will be able to:
- Increase your understanding of Trigger Point Therapy
- Apply Trigger Point Therapy in Your Practice
Course information:
- This course is suitable for Massage Therapists who have already completed and achieved a recognised Full Body Massage and Anatomy & Physiology qualification. You will receive comprehensive guidance notes and information to take home with you, as well as continued support from our tutors following your successfully passing of your practical assessment at the end of the workshop.
- All items required for the course will be provided by The School of Fine Tuning.
- Course length is 1 Day
- Accredited with the CMA and IPHM
- This course awards 7 CPD Points
Cost: £190
The outstanding balance is to be paid 14 days prior to course date
The outstanding balance is to be paid 14 days prior to course date